
On this post we would like to see one parts of speech. That is noun. 

What is noun definition? 

A noun names a person, a place, a thing and idea. It is about anything that you can see, you can touch, you can smell with one of your senses.

What types of nouns? 

There are some terms of noun in English, such as common noun, proper noun, countable noun, uncountable noun, abstract noun, possessive noun. Now let's discuss it one by one. 

Common Noun 

Common noun is the name of everyday things around us. Those are the things we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. For example; 

doctor, home, any buildings, glass, window, door. Here are common noun example: Handphone, glass, roof, brick, floor, cupboard, paper, cane, book, laptop, wallet, purse, screw, comb, cable, board marker, ruler, pencil, bag, sharpener, cutter, box, cap, card, scissor, headphone, grass, wall, bicycle, car, motorbike, watch, pants, bath holder, soap, spoon, shampoo, bath up, shower, closet, television, radio, remote, air conditioner, carpet, vase flower, photo graph, mask, toy, ball, basketball, racket, ship, boat, bridge, chair, table, sofa, coin, contact lens, etcetera. 

Proper Noun 

Proper noun are special names for particular people and things for example; name of person, name of country, name of city, title of books, title of films, name of days, name of month, name of street. 

Proper nouns are always written with capital letter. Here are proper noun example.

Indonesia, Indonesian (the people), Madinah, Mr. Afnan, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Think and Grow Rich (title of book), The Lord of The Rings (title of Film), Malioboro Street, Gajah Mada Street. 

Countable Noun 

Countable nouns are noun that can be calculated or counted. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms. It depends on the ending of the noun. Some countable nouns are added with suffix es, s. Let's see the detail in the table below: 

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Root Changing noun adding - s
 a pen  pens
a table  tables 
 a chair chairs 
a book  books 

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Root (the word ended by ch, ss, x, sh) Changing noun adding - es
a watch  watches
a dress dresses 
a box  boxes 
a dish dishes 

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Root (the word ended o) Changing noun adding - es or s
a radio  radios 
a volcano  volcanoes 
 an avocado avocados
 an albino albinos  
audio audios

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Root (the word ended y) Changing noun adding - es or s
a fly flies
 a baby babies 
 a lady  ladies
 a library  libraries
 a boy boys 

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Root (the word ended f, fe, ves) Changing noun adding - es or s
a shelf shelves
 a knife knives 
 a wife wives 
a calf  calves 
 a leaf leaves 

Uncountable Noun 

Uncountable nouns are noun that can not be counted. In English, there two kinds of uncountable noun. 

1. Mass noun. 

This is the real thing that cannot be counted. Example of mass noun: hair, soup, water, wood, rice, air, tea, information, furniture, blood, advice, grass, trash, knowledge, meat. 

Example of mass noun in sentence: 

1. I have five glasses of water for my friends. 
2. My father plays sand with my younger brother in the beach. 

2. Abstract Noun 

This is the noun that refers to intangible concept such as feeling, ideas, quality, emotion. Means that you cannot see, touch, hear, smell or taste. Examples of abstract noun: 

energy, anger, love, success, luxury, fear, joy, love, hunger, humor, wit, thirst. Mass noun example in sentence: 

1. The manager faces me with anger after seeing me come late to office. 
2. Jody loves his mom so much. 

Moreover, there are some abstract noun which are ended with suffix. Look at the table below: 

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Suffix Example
 -tion celebration, competition, prediction, frustration, configuration, 
 -ery bakery, cutlery, fishery, trickery, bravery, slavery, witchery 
 -ence independence, difference, innocence, evidence, silence, reference, existence, patience
 -ance acceptance, resistance, guidance, insurance, fragrance, circumtance 
-ism  modernism, mannerism 
-dom  wisdom, boredom 
-ment excitement, enjoyment, embarrassment, contentment 
-ship hardship, ownership, friendship, relationship 
 -sion confusion, fusion, expansion, conclusion, precision 
-hood brotherhood, childhood, neighboorhood, adulthood, parenthood 

Uncountable noun do not have plural forms as well as it is followed by singular verbs. For examples are as follow: 

1. I do not drink some coffee. (not drink some coffees) 
2. My sister reads news which is surprising. (not which are). 

We can use collective noun if we want to count it. For example: 

a bar of chocolate, two glasses of juice, three plates of rice, five cans of Coca-Cola, a loaf of bread, two cups of coffee. 

Possessive Noun 

Possessive noun indicates that person possess something. How to form a possessive noun? 
  • By adding 's to singular nouns, for example, my sister's card, John's bike, Rena's pet
  • By adding apostrophe (') after plural nouns which are ended with -s, for example, Saras' bread, Pupils' class, the boys' room.
  • By adding 's to plural noun that is not ended with -s, people's job, children's class, women's clothes. 

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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