Past Continuous Tense dan Fungsinya (Contoh dan Soal Latihan)

Setelah membahas past tense, sekarang saya akan berbagi tentang salah satu tenses yang berkaitan dengan past tense. Yaitu past continuous tense. Pada postingan ini juga akan diberikan contoh dan latihan soal past continuous tense. Ada beberapa fungsi dari past continuous tense yaitu:

Fungsi dari Past Continuous Tense

1.To talk about an action that was going on at a definite point of time in the past 

(untuk menceritakan suatu kejadian yag sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau).


(a) Ravi was sleeping at 11 p.m. last night
(b) The security was jogging in the park at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning.
(c) Dela and her friend were going to market at 9 a.m. last Sunday.


Pada contoh (a), memiliki arti Ravi sedang tidur kemarin malam pukul 11. Aktifitas tidur yang dilakukan Ravi tepat pada pukul 11. Ini lah yang dimaksud dengan waktu tertentu, di mana waktu aktifitas atau kejadian sudah diketahui. Contoh (b), dan (c) sama. 

2.To talk about a past action that was still going on when another action took place

(Untuk menceritakan sebuah kejadian atau aktifitas yang masih berlangsung di masa lampau Ketika aktifitas yang lainnya dilakukan).


(a) The teacher was doing a meeting when students studied in class.
(b) When the circus began, many people were taking a photo.
(c) I was reading a book when John came to my home. 


Pada contoh (a), memiliki arti Guru sedang mengadakan pertemuan Ketika para murid belajar di kelas.  Kalimat ini memiliki dua kejadian atau aktifitas. Kejadian pertama yaitu guru sedang mengadakan pertemuan dan kejadian yang kedua yaitu para murid belajar. Kedua aktifitas/kejadian ini dilakukan di masa lampau. Jadi guru sedang mengadakan rapat ketika murid belajar.
Contoh (b), (c) sama. 

3.To talk about an action that has been going on for certain period of time in the past

(Untuk menceritakan sebuah kegaiatan yang telah terjadi selama periode waktu di masa lampau).


(a)The baby was sleeping all morning
(b)The children were swimming in the pool all afternoon


Pada kalimat (a) memiliki arti Bayi sedang tidur sepanjang pagi hari. Jadi aktifitas tidur yang dilakukan oleh bayi memiliki periode waktu, missal bayi nya tidur dari jam 5 pagi sampai 8 pagi, setelah itu dia tidur lagi. Contoh (b) sama. 

4.To talk about two actions which were happening at the same time in the past 

(Untuk menceritakan dua kejadian atau aktifitas yang sedang berlangsung di waktu yang sama di masa lampau). 


(a)Ane was eating pizza while Judy was making sandwich.
(b)While my teacher was explaining, we were noting.


Pada kalimat (a) memiliki arti Ane sedang memakan pizza saat Judy sedang memakan sandwich. Kalimat ini terdiri dari dua kejadian yang dilakukan secara bersamaan di waktu yang sama. Contoh (b) sama.
Untuk melihat perubahan kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative, silakan perhatikan table di bawah!

Untuk melihat perubahan kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative, silakan perhatikan table di bawah!

Ane was eating pizza when John read a comic.
Ane was not eating pizza when John read a comic.
Was an eating pizza when John read a comic?

Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Subject + was/were + verb ing (present participle) + complement (when/while) subject + verb 2 (past)

Subject + was/were + not + verb ing (present participle) + complement (when/while) subject + verb 2 (past).

Was/were + subject + verb ing (present participle) (when/while) subject + verb 2 ?

1.   (+) Subject + was/were+ verb ing + Complement (when/while) Subject + verb 2.

2.   (-) Subject + was/were + not + verb ing + complement + (when/while) Subject + verb 2.

3.   (?) was/were +subject + verb ing + (when/while) Subject + verb 2 +?

Perbedaan when dan while:

When: Diikuti oleh past tense
While: diikuti oleh past continuous 

(1) John was sleeping when his mother cooked noodle
(2) John's mother cooked noodle while he was sleeping in the guest room. 

Coba latihan soal Past Continuous Tense Exercise Online.


A.Translate the below questions into English!

1.Saya sedang duduk di sebuah kursi sekarang. Saya sedang duduk di kelas pada pukul 9 pagi kemarin.
2.Saya sangat menyukai liburan saya tahun lalu. Saat itu sedang musim salju di Lowa, matahari terbit dari Florida.
3.Saat saya mencucui baju, ayah saya sedang memberikan makanan untuk ikan-ikannya.
4.Saya mendapatkan bingkisan di email, ketika saya membukanya, saya menemukan kejutan.
5.Saya menelepon or Adi kemarin malam, tetapi dia tidak ada di rumah.

B.Use Simple Past or Past continuous tense in the following

1.I (hear/not) ……………. The thunder during the storm last night because I was not at home. He (study) ………….at the library.

2.It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine) ………. A cool breeze (blow) ,,,,,,,,,,the bird (sing) ………………………

3.A: Why weren’t you at the meeting?
   B: I (wait) …….. for an overseas call from my family.

4.A: What’s wrong with your food?
   B: I (step) …………. On a bee while I (run)……….barefoot  through the grass. It (sting) ………… me.

5.A: How (break, you) ………………. Your arm?
   B: I (slip) ………….. on the ice while I (cross) ……….. the street in front of the dorm. 

C.Change the following sentences into past tense and past continuous tense.

1.I move the table and chair to the garage.
2.The presenter show video when I come to the room.
3.I am an engineering in 2009. I ever work in Gunung Madu Plantation Hospital.
4.Berlin corrects papers at her desk. Then he goes home lately.
5.The librarian arranges all books in library properly.


Azar, S B.1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA. Prentice Hall Regents.

Hewings, Martin.1999. Advance Grammar in Use. Cambridge. CUP.

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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