Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Fungsi dan Latihan Soal

Setelah membahas past continuous tense, kini kita bahas past perfect continuous tense dan fungsinya. 

Fungsi Past perfect continuous tense

To talk about an action that began in the past and continue up until another time in the past. We can use adverb of time to show for how long the action lasted. 

(Untuk menceritakan sebuah aksi yang dimulai di masa lampau dan berlanjut sampai waktu yang lain di masa lampau. Kita bisa menggunakan kata keterangan waktu “adverbial of time”). 


(a)I played game at 10 a.m. I had been playing game for two hours when Nina finally arrived at 12.

(b)She had only been running for five minutes when she tripped and fell.


Pada kalimat (a) memiliki arti; saya bermain game pada pukul 10 pagi. Saya telah sedang bermain game selama dua jam sebelum Nina tiba pukul 12. 

Pada kalimat ini kita tahu bahwa aktifitas bermain game dimulai jam 10 sampai jam 12 siang saat Nina tiba. Jadi disimpulkan bahwa aktifitas bermain game nya berlangsung selama 2 jam Ketika Nina tiba. Dan masih bermain game saat Nina tiba pada pukul 12. 
Contoh (b) sama. 

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense tense

Untuk mengetahui perubahan kalimat positive, negative dan interogative, silakan perhatikan rumus berikut:


Subject + had+ been + verb ing + Complement (before) Subject + verb 2.


Subject + had+ not + been +verb ing+ complement + (before) Subject + verb 2.


 Had +subject + been +verb ing + (before) Subject + verb 2 +?

Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous tense dan perubahan kalimatnya.

John and Peter had been playing game for two hours when Nina finally arrived at 12.
John and Peter had not been playing game for two hours when Nina finally arrived at 12
Had John and Peter been playing game for two hours when Nina finally arrived at 12?

Latihan past perfect continuous tense

Untuk mengetes pemahaman, silakan kerjakan latihan di bawah ini atau kunjungi latihan soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense  online di sini.


A.Make the past perfect continuous positive and negative

1.I …………… (work) all day, so I did not want to go out.
2.My brother (sleep) ………….. for 15 hours when I woke him up.
3.They ……………… (live) in Indonesia for four years when he lost his job.
4.We (drink)……….. coffee all day, so we did not feel sleepy.
5.I was really tired because I ………….(study) 
6. My father (smoke) ….. in smoking room.
7. The headmaster (play) ...…… badminton for 6 hours.
8. James (run)………... in the circuit. 
9. I (repair) …………… my laptop for 4 hours.
10. The guest (wait) ……..... the home owner. 

B. Use the present perfect continuous or the past perfect continuous tense

1.It is midnight. I (study) ………….. for five straight hours. No wonder I’m getting tired.
2.Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking him a question. He could not answer because he (daydream) ………………. For the last ten minutes. 
3.Wake up! You (sleep) …………… long enough. It’s time to get up.


Azar, S B.1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA. Prentice Hall Regents.

Hewings, Martin.1999. Advance Grammar in Use. Cambridge. CUP. 

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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