Past Perfect Tense (Fungsi, Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan)

Setelah membahas past continuous tense, pada postingan ini saya akan membahas salah satu tenses yang masih ada kaitanya dengan past tense, yaitu past perfect tense. Selain itu, juga akan dibahas tentang fungsi dari past perfect tense, contoh kalimatnya dan soal Latihan past perfect tense. Berikut adalah beberapa fungsi dari past perfect tense.

Past Perfect Tense

Fungsi Past Perfect Tense

1.When we talk about a past action that was finished before another action in the past

(kita menggunakan past perfect Ketika kita menceritakan sebuah aksi atau kejadian atau aktifitas yang telah selesai sebelum aktifitas yang lain di masa lampau).


(a)Tom had already eaten when I returned home.
(b)Jane had bought some popcorn before he entered the cinema.


Pada kalimat (a) memiliki arti Tom telah makan ketika saya kembali ke rumah. Kalimat ini memiliki dua kejadian atau aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh pelakunya. Pertama; Tom telah makan, kedua; Saya Kembali ke rumah. Aktifitas Tom (makan) merupakan aktifitas yang dilakukan terlebih dahulu ketika (saya Kembali ke rumah). 

Pada kalimat (b) memiliki arti Jane telah membeli popcorn sebelum dia masuk ke bioskop. Kalimat ini juga memiliki dua aktifitas. Di mana aktifitas pertama (Jane had bought popcorn) dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum aktifitas kedua (he entered the cinema). 

2.When talking about an action that was completed before a definite time in the past

(kita menggunakan past perfect tense untuk menceritakan sebuah aksi atau kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau).


(a)By the end of last month, I had worked on this project for three years.
(b)My father had established his online business before 2007.


Pada kalimat (a) memiliki arti Pada akhir bulan lalu, saya telah menyelesaikan proyek saya selama tiga tahun. Kalimat ini menunjukan bahwa aktifitas mengerjakan proyek telah diselesaikan pada akhir  bulan lalu. Kita tidak perlu mengetahui kapan waktu spesifiknya, seperti hari apa dan jam berapa, yang penting aktifitas itu telah diselesaikan. 

Pada contoh (b) memiiki arti Ayah saya mendirikan bisnis online sebelum tahun 2007. Kaimat ini menunjukan bahwa aktifitas ayah membangun bisnis online dilakukan sebelum tahun 2007, kita tidak tahu waktu spesifiknya, seperti bulan, hari, tanggal dan waktunya. 

Rumus Past Perfect Tense:

Untuk memahami lebih jelas silakan perhatikanlah rumus berikut perubahan kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative kalimat past perfect tense. 

Subject + had + verb 3 (past participle) + complement (before, when, after) Subject + Verb 2 (past).

Subject + had + not + verb 3 (past participle) + complement (before, when, after) subject + verb 2 (past).

Had + subject + verb 3  (when, after, before) subject + verb 2 ?

1.  (+) Subject + had+ verb 3+ Complement (before, when, after) Subject + verb 2.

2.  (-) Subject + had+ not + verb 3 + complement + (before, when, after) Subject + verb 2.

3.   (?) had +subject + verb 3 + (when, after, before) Subject + verb 2 +?

Contoh Kalimat dan perubahan kalimat past perfect tense



Perubahan Kalimat


Subject + had +verb 3 + complement (before, when,after) Subject + verb 2.

Tom had already eaten when I returned home.


Subject + had + not + verb 3 + complement (before, when, after) Subject +verb 2.

Tom had not already eaten when I returned home.



Had + subject + verb 3 (when, before, after) Subject + verb 2 + ?

Had Tom already eaten when I returned home?

Latihan Past Perfect Tense

Untuk mengukur pamahaman teman-teman silakan kerjakan latihan di bawah ini! atau bisa juga kunjungi latihan soal Latihan Soal Past Perfect Tense Online.


A. Change the word in bracket by using past perfect tense. 

1. When my father went out to have dinner, he already (do) ............... his assignment.
2. The flood destroyed the homes that they  (build) ........................
3. Peter took his bag in his locker before he (go home) ...............
4. My father (have/drink) ..................cofee before he worked outside.
5. The children collected the marbles that (fall) ..................... from their pocket.
6. She (not/ride) ................... a car before that day.
7. My teacher (put) .................her bag on the table before the students entered the class.
8. The police station (has/renovate) ................twice before the general has been changed.
9. The doctor brought a sthetoscop to his room after he (has/check) ..............the patient up.
10. I could not remember the story we (learn) ............. the week before. 


Azar, S B.1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA. Prentice Hall Regents.

Hewings, Martin.1999. Advance Grammar in Use. Cambridge. CUP.

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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