Simple Past Tense dan Fungsinya (Contoh dan Soal Latihan)

Setelah membahas beberapa tenses khususnya present, sekarang saya akan membahas sebuah tense yang sering kita gunakan untuk menceritakan sebuah kejadian di masa lampau. Yaitu Simple Past tense. Berikut ini akan kita bahas bersama fungsi past tense, Rumus kalimat past tense, contoh kalimat past tense, kata keterangan waktu simple past tense dan latihan soal past tense.

Simple Past Tense 

Fungsi Simple Past Tense

1)To talk about an action which happened at a definite time in the past

(Untuk menceritakan suatu aksi atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau pada waktu tertentu, sudah diketahui waktunya kapan kejadian itu terjadi).

1.I watched a movie last night.
2.Thousands of years ago, this place was a market.
3.In the 2016, I taught in an elementary school.
4.I came to the hospital yesterday.

2)To talk about past habits or something that was done in the past 

(Untuk menceritakan suatu kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan di masa lampau).

1.My father used to talk a story before I went to bed.
2.My grandfather often told us stories about his childhood
3. An English teacher always informed me a hot news at the end of the class.

3)To express regret after the verb wish 

(Untuk mengungkapkan penyesalan setelah kata kerja harapan, wish)

1.I wish you were here to see the sunset.
2.I wish I could do the test.
3.She wished she had more time to work on the project.

Rumus Kalimat Simple Past Tense

Positive   : Subject + Verb 2 + Complement.

Negative : Subject + did + not + verb 1 + complement

Interrogative : Did + Subject + verb 1 + Complement + ?

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense 

Setelah mengetahui beberapa fungsi, sekarang kita bahas contoh kalimat dan perubahan bentuk kalimat past tense, kalimat positif (affirmative), negative dan interrogative atau kalimat pertanyaan simple past tense. Perhatikanlah tabel di bawah!

I went
I did not go
Did I go?
You went
You didn’t go
Did you go?
He thought
He did not think
Did he think
She worked
She did not work
Did she work?
They wrote
They didn’t write
Did they write?

Pada tabel di atas, semua kalimat past tense menggunakan kata kerja ke dua, seperti went, thought. wrote, worked. 

Namun, untuk kalimat negative dan interogative, tetap menggunakan kata kerja pertama. Karena sudah ada kata kerja bantu did. 

Time Signal (Kata keterangan waktu).

Kotak di bawah ini adalah beberapa time signal atau signal words yang digunakan di past tense

Last week                    in 1990                                   
Last year                     Long time ago            
Yesterday                    Last time

This morning              Last Sunday

Yesterday morning    Last April

In the past

Latihan soal Simple Past Tense

Untuk mengetahui pemahaman anda, silakan kerjakan soal latihan di bawah ini!
A.Change the verb below into past then make it into sentence orally! 

1.Call out
4.Figure out

C.Translate the below sentences into English!

1.Saya selalu membantu kedua orang tua saya saat saya masih duduk di kelas dua SMA.
2.Saya terbiasa memperbaiki sepeda saya di depan rumah.
3.Saat saya masih berumur 15 tahun, saya sangat suka bermain bola di lapangan Bersama teman-teman saya.
4.Pada tahun 1999, banyak murid pergi ke sekolah mengendarai sepeda.
5.Saya sering pergi ke toko buku Gramedia saat saya tinggal di Bandar Lampung.
6.Tahun 2005 saya pindah ke Lampung untuk menjalankan tugas saya yang baru
7.Ayah saya seorang Angkatan laut tahun 1980
8.Sepupu saya memperbaiki handphone nya di bengkel kemarin pagi.
9.Para jenderal polisi melatih kepemimpinan kepada anggotanya minggu lalu.
10.Februari lalu, firus corona menyebar di Wuhan, China.

D.Complete the following sentences by changing the word into past tense.

1.My father …….. (argue) to his commander.
2.The grass ……… (grow) quickly last month.
3.The thief ………….(don’t’, creep) on the floor.
4.………… (do) the balloon burst?
5.I …………(have) a lot of job yesterday.
6.Tom and Gerry …….. (reach) at home at 2 p.m last night.
7.Anita ………….. (correct) her paper alone.
8.The police patrol ………. (decide) to terminate the meeting.
9.The general ……. …..(sort out) the agenda well and quickly.

10. We ………………. (put back) the English class because yesterday my was sick. 


Azar, S B.1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA. Prentice Hall Regents.

Hewings, Martin.1999. Advance Grammar in Use. Cambridge. CUP. 

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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