Passive Voice

Di dalam Bahasa Indonesia kita mengenali juga istilah pasif dan aktif. Yaitu kalimat aktif dan pasif. Bagaimana dengan Bahasa Inggris?

Passive Voice

Di dalam Bahasa Inggris, pembahasan kalimat pasif dan aktif disebut dengan passive voice.

Secara susunannya sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Coba perhatikan contoh di bawah:

a) Ayah saya memindahkan meja (aktif)
    My father moves the table.
b) Meja dipindahkan oleh ayah saya (pasif) 
     The table is moved by my father.

Kalimat a) merupakan contoh kalimat aktif. Dimana Subjek dari kalimat itu adalah Ayah saya dan objeknya adalah meja.
pada kalimat (b), perubahan kalimat aktif ke pasif hanya menukarkan posisi subjek dan objek.

Jika kalimat aktif (a) posisi Subjeknya Ayah saya dan Objeknya meja, maka untuk merubahnya menjadi kalimat pasif adalah dengan membalikan Objek menjadi subjek dan subjek menjadi objek.

Untuk membuat kalimat passive, kita hanya memerlukan kata kerja transitive. Yaitu kata kerja yang masuk akal jika diikuti oleh objek.

Sekarang mari kita membahas kalimat passive pada tenses, present, past dan future.


Kalimat pasive voice pada present tense

Sebelum merubah ke dalam bentuk passive, perhatikan kalimat aktifnya terlebih dahulu:

Kalimat positive : My father moves the table.
Kalimat negative : My father does not move the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Does my father move the table?

Mari kita ubah kalimat di atas ke dalam bentuk passive:

Kalimat positive : The table is moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table is not moved by my father.
Kalimat iterrogative : Is the chair moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive voice present tense:

Kalimat positive : S + to be (is, am, are) + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + to be + not + Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : To be + S + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada present continuous tense.

Contoh kalimat aktif:

Kalimat positif : My father is moving the table.
Kalimat negative : My father is not moving the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Is my father moving the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table is being moved by my father.
Klaimat negative : The table is not being moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Is the table being moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive voice present continuous tense:

Kalimat positive : S + to be (is, am, are) + being +Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + to be + not + being+ Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : To be + S + being + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada present perfect tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father has moved the table.
Kalimat negative : My father has not moved the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Has my father moved the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table has been moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table has not been moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Has the table been moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive voice present perfect tense:

Kalimat positive : S + has/have + been +Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + has/have+ not +been+ Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Has/have + S + been + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada present perfect  continuous tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father has been moving the table.
Kalimat negative : My father has not been moving the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Has my father been moving the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table has been being moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table has not been being moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Has the table been being moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive voice present perfect continuous tense:

Kalimat positive : S + has/have + been + being +Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + has/have+ not + been + being+ Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Has/have + S + been + being +Past participle + object + ?


Kalimat passive voice pada past tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father moved the table.
Kalimat negative : My father did not move the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Did my father move the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table was moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table was not moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Was the table moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive voice past tense:

Kalimat positive : S + was/were + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + was/were not + Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Was/were + S + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada past continuous tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father was moving the table.
Kalimat negative : My father not moving  the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Was my father moving the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table was  being moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table was not being moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Was the table being moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat passive Past continuous tense

Kalimat positive : S + was/were + being + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + was/were not + being + Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Was/were + S + being + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada past perfect tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father had moved the table.
Kalimat negative : My father had not moved  the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Had my father moved the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table had been moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table had not been moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Had the table been moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat pasive Past perfect  tense

Kalimat positive : S + had + been + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + had+ not + been+ Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Had + S + been + Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive voice pada past perfect continuous tense

Contoh kalimat aktif

Kalimat positif : My father had been moving the table.
Kalimat negative : My father had not been moving  the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Had my father been moving the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table had been being moved by my father.
Kalimat  negative : The table had not been being moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Had the table been being moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat pasive Past perfect continuous tense

Kalimat positive : S + had + been + being + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + had+ not + been+ being + Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Had + S + been +being + Past participle + object + ?


Di dalam tense future tense, kita akan menggunakan will dan be going to.

Kalimat passive dalam future tense dengan will dan be going to

Contoh kalimat:

Kalimat positif : My father will move the table.
Kalimat negative : My father will not move  the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Will my father move the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table will be moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table will not be moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Will the table be moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat pasive future tense dengan will

Kalimat positive : S + will + be + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + will + not + be + Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : Will + S + be+ Past participle + object + ?

Kalimat passive dalam future tense dengan be going to
Kalimat positif : My father is going to move the table.
Kalimat negative : My father is not going to move  the table.
Kalimat interrogative : Is my father going to move the table?

Mari kita ubah ke dalam kalimat passive:

Kalimat positif : The table is going to be moved by my father.
Kalimat negative : The table is not going to be moved by my father.
Kalimat interrogative : Is the table going to be moved by my father?

Rumus kalimat pasive future tense dengan will

Kalimat positive : S + to be (is, am, are) + going + to + be + Past participle (verb 3) + Object.

Kalimat negative : S + to be (is. am, are) + not + going + to + be +Past participle (verb 3) + object.

Kalimat interrogative : To be (is, am, are) + S + going+ to + be+ Past participle + object + ?

Demikianlah penjelasan kalimat pasive untuk tenses, present, past dan future. Sebagai kesimpulan adalah semua kalimat passive dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan (past participle) atau kata kerja ke 3 (verb 3).

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