Adjective and Types of Adjectives

On this post we would like to see the definition of adjective, types of adjectives and its examples both written in English and Indonesian. 

Pada postingan ini kita akan melihat definisi dari adjective, jenis-jenis adjective , contoh kalimat yang ditulis dengan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia. 

What is Adjective?

Adjective is one of the parts of speechAdjectives are words which describe or modify nouns or pronouns. It provides more information about the qualities, states, or attributes of the nouns and pronouns. Adjectives can be divided into several types according to the functions and characteristics. Here are some common types of adjectives:


Adjective merupakan salah satu dari Parts of Speech.

Adjective adalah kata-kata yang berperan untuk mendeskripsikan atau memodifikasi kata benda (noun) dan kata ganti (pronoun).Kata-kata sifat ini memberikan informasi lebih tentang bagaimana keadaan, kualitas pada kata benda maupun kata ganti teresebut. Adjective (kata sifat dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis berdasarkan fungsi dan karakteristiknya. Berikut ini beberapa jenis-jenis kata sifat secara umum:

Types of Adjectives

Jenis-Jenis kata sifat

1. Descriptive Adjectives

These adjectives describe the qualities or characteristics of a noun or pronoun. For example: tall, blue, beautiful, happy, high, short, calm, dangerous, poisonous, firm, soft, hard, mild, large, clear, clean, dirty. 

Adalah kata sifat yang mendeskripsikan kualitas atau karakteristik sebuah benda dan kata ganti.


1. I have beautiful wife.

Saya mempunyai istri cantik. 

2. John is very tall. 

John sangat tinggi. 

3. Jaka is a calm boy.

Jaka adalah laki-laki yang tenang. 

4. He is happy.

Dia sedang bahagia. 

5. My father has short hair.

Ayah saya memiliki rambut pendek 


The word beautiful describes how is my wife. The word tall describes John's height.

Kata cantik mendeskripsikan bagaimana keadaan istri saya. Kata tinggi mendeskripsikan ciri fisik John yang tinggi.

2. Quantitative Adjectives

These adjectives indicate the quantity or amount of a noun. Examples include many, few, several, some.

Adalah kata sifat yang menunjukan sebuah kuantitas atau jumlah suatu benda.


1. I have several pens.

2. There are few students in the class.

3. Jaka has some idea.

4. Afnan has many friends.

5. There is a little sugar in the kitchen. 

3. Demonstrative Adjectives

These adjectives point out or indicate specific nouns. They include this, that, these, those.

Adalah kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan atau mengindikasikan benda yang khusus (spesifik). Seperti ini, itu, these, ini (untuk benda banyak), those, itu (untuk menda banyak yang posisinya jauh dari penunjuk/orang).


1. This pen is expensive.

2. Those jeans are imported from South Korea

3. These books are mine.

4. Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives show ownership or possession. Examples include my, your, his, her, our, their.

Adalah kata sifat yang menunjukan sebuah kepemilikan.

My: Milik saya

Your: Milik kamu

His: Milik dia (laki-laki)

Her: Milik dia (perempuan)

Their: Milik mereka

Our: Milik kami

its: untuk benda


1. This is my pen.

2. We are their classmates.

3. Her mother is from China.

4. His daughter studies in Private university.

5. Mariam is dilligent student. She always helps to complete our assignment.

6. I have a car. Its colour is yellow. 

5. Interrogative Adjectives

These adjectives are used to ask questions about nouns. Examples include which, what, whose.

Merupakan kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menanyakan tentang benda.


1. Whose book is it?

2. Which car do you want to buy?

3. What book do you read?

6. Comparative Adjectives

Comparative adjectives are used to compare two or more things. They include taller, faster, more intelligent.

Adalah kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk membandingkan dua benda atau lebih. Biasanya ini digunakan pada Degree of Comparison.


1. John is taller than Andi.

2. Rendi is more intelligent than his younger brother.

7. Superlative Adjectives 

These adjectives are used to compare three or more things, indicating the highest degree. Examples include tallest, fastest, most interesting.

Adalah kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk membandingkan tiga benda atau lebih, mengindikasikan bahwa salah satu benda yang dibandingkan memiliki kualitas yang super atau tingkatan lebih tinggi.


1. Afnan is the smartest student in the class.

2. Ahmad is the tallest boy among others.

8. Proper Adjectives

These adjectives are derived from proper nouns and refer to specific people, places, or things. For example: Indonesian, Malaysian, American, Moroccan, Arabian etc.

Adalah akata sifat yang diambil dari kata yang ditulis dengan Huruf kapital yang mengacu pada orang khusus, tempat maupun hal-hal yang lain.


1. I am an Indonesian student.

2. Arabian food is very delicious.

3. Indonesian tourism places are very popular.

9. Color Adjectives

These adjectives describe the color of a noun. Examples include red, blue, green, yellow.

Adalah kata sifat tentang warna, digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan benda, warna benda.


1. A red car.

2. Yellow motorbike.

3. I have a black box.

4. He has a green garden.

5. My house is orange. 

10. Participial Adjective

Participial adjectives are the changing form of base verbs. Participial adjectives always known as the verb 3 and the verb 4. It can be regular verb and irregular verb. 

It can be divided to two participials adjective, past participial and present participial. Look at the verb change below:

Cook cooked cooked cooking.

Boil boiled boiled boiling.

Paint painted painted painting.

The past participial adjective is the third verb (cooked, boiled, painted)

The present participial adjective is the fourth verb (cooking, boiling, painting).


1. The cooked chicken is stored in the freezer.

2. I will buy your painting picture. 

That's it the definition of adjective, types of adjectives and examples. 

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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