Phrasal Verb Look dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Belajar Bahasa Inggris sangat menyenangkan teman-teman terutama saat mempelajari kosa kata- kosa kata yang terlihat aneh dan memiliki arti yang berbeda. Salah satu kosa kata itu disebut dengan Phrasal Verbs. Nah saat ini kita akan melihat beberapa Phrasal Verb look dan contoh kalimatnya.

Phrasal Verbs Look

Look after

Look after memiliki arti taking care someone or seomething (merawat seseorang atau sesuatu). Berikut contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verb look after.

1. My mother looks after me in hospital.

2. I want to hire a nurse to look after my grandmother.

3. Anybody can help me to look after my cat? I want to leave for two weeks. I will pay you $5.

4. Do you look after your father at home?

5. I want to look after my parents.

Look ahead.

Look ahead memiliki arti thinking about our future by planning it (memikirkan tentang masa depan dengan merencanakannya, memprediksi). Berikut contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verbs look ahead.

1. I have to look ahead my future.

2. John looks ahead to what will happen after his graduation.

3. Teachers need to look ahead to decide what the students need.

4. All Badminton players have to look ahead to the time when they leave the game.

5. I need to look ahead when can I arrive in your city. 

Look away.

Look away artinya adalah to turn away or aside your gaze (mengalihkan pandangan muka, buang muka, memalingkan). Contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verb look away.

1. The patient look away when the nurse is pricking her arm with needle.

2. The camera focusses on me, but i look away my head.

3. My teacher look away his face from me, because i always come to class late.

Look for.

Look for memiliki arti searching soemthing, for examples purse, wallet, key (memiliki arti mencari benda, seperti dompet, kunci atau benda lainnya). Contoh kalimat dengan kata kerja look for.

1. I look for my wallet in my bedroom.

2. My students help me to look for good story book in library.

3. Afnan could not look for his ring beacause it was black out.

4. My sister is looking for her coin in his bag.

5. Jody looked for his camera yesterday. He forgot where to put it.

Look forward

Look forward memiliki arti feeling happy/pleased and excited about something that is going to happen (merasa senang dan terkesan karena ada sesuatu yang akan datang). Contoh penggunaan kata look forward dalam kalimat:

1. My students are looking forward to their holiday.

2. I will look forward to waiting your response. 

3. I look forward to hearing from you.

4. My little brother is looking forward to our grandmother.

5. The customer is looking forward to the meal.

Cara penulisan look forward:

1. Look forward biasanya ditulis di akhir bagian surat resmi, terutama pada email (electronic mail). Contohnya; I look forward to hearing from you. Penggunaan kalimat ini terkesan sangat ramah dan meperlihatkan bahwa si penulis sangat berharap atas balasan. Namun, penggunaan kalimat ini sangat umum dan bisa diabaikan bagi pembaca karena penulis terlihat passive-agressive. Maka cobalah gunakan yang lain selain phrase tersebut untuk menutup pesan email kalian. 

2. Penggunaan Look forward to bisa dipasangkan dengan kata benda (noun) Contohnya; I look forward to his visit.

3. Penggunaan look forward to bisa dipasangkan dengan past participial (verb ing). Contohnya; I was so much looking forward to seeing you.

Look up

Look up memiliki arti search for information (mencari informasi) Misalnya browsing pada internet, membaca koran, kamus dll. Berikut contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verbs Look up:

1. I look up how news in internet.

2. My english teacher is looking up difficult word in her dictionary.

3. James looks up vacancies in instagram.

4. I cannot look up his adress on google map.

5. Finally, my students use their gadget to look up new words.


Selain memiliki arti mencari informasi, Look up memiliki arti  to become better (menjadi lebih baik). Contoh kalimatnya:

1. I wish things would start to look up in the next semester.

2. Our store situation is looking up for five years. 

Look at (something)

Look at memiliki arti Thinking about a subject carefully so we can make a determination, considering something in particular way, to check something, to examine something ( memikirkan sebuah subjek dengan hati-hati sehingga dapat membuat keputusan, mempertimbangkan sesuatu dengan cara tertentu, memeriksa sesuatu, mempelajari sesuatu).

Contoh kalimat dengan kata look at:

1. Look at my eyes. I really love you.

2. My students look at my new shoes.

3. A doctor look at my knee.

4. My lecturer would like to look at my essay.

5. I look at the sky. It is about raining. 

Look around (somewhere/something)

Look arouund memiliki arti visiting a place or looking at the things in it (mengunjungi sebuah tempat maupun melihat-lihat tempat tersebut). Look around memiliki kesamaan dengan look round. Perbedaan look around dan look round adalah; look round merupakan British English, sedangkan look around American English. Contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verb look around:

1. I spent my holiday by looking around the beach.

2. I want to look around the house. If i like it, i will buy it.

3. We look around Lampung Museum.

4. The kids are looking around rose plants in the park.

5. My wife left me looking round the mall. 

Look in

Look in memiliki arti visiting person or something for a short time (berkunjung sebentar). Contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verb look in:

1. The babysitter must look in the kid before she goes to bed.

2. Because I have to work, I look in my friend hospitalized for a while.

Look into

Arti look into adalah investigating something (menginvestigasi sesuatu). Berikut contoh kalimat dengan phrasal verb look into:

1. The policemen look into the issue of kidnapping. 

2. I am looking into the problem of my research. 

Look back

Look back memiliki arti thinking about the past (memikirkan sesuatu tentang masa lalu). Contoh kalimat look back:

1. I suggest my sister not to look back her worst experience.

2. My client try to look back her problem so that i can help him to solve the problem. 

Phrasal Verbs Look Exercise

Choose the best phrasal verbs for each questions.

Choose the best phrasal verbs for each questions.

Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer to fill the blanks.

Purwanto Hello pals, Let's get acquainted! My name is Purwanto. I have been teaching English for students and professionals. I accomplished my master degree in The English and Foreign Languages University, India. I wish you could take some benefits from this site. Have a blast!

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