Conjunctions: Definition, Types and Examples in Sentences
This post discusses about conjunction. Conjunction is one of the types of parts of speech in English grammar. Conjunctions allow you to form complex and elegant sentences and avoid the jitters of some short sentences. Make sure the sentences are connected is in parallel structure. (With the same structure). For example, look at the below sentences:
![]() |
Conjunctions |
Incorrect : My daddy sleeps comfortably and silent.
Correct : My daddy sleeps comfortably and silently.
The correct sentence above shows a parallel structure. The sentence has two adverbs of manner (comfortably and silently).
What are conjunctions?
Conjunctions are actually words that connect or link other words, phrase and clause.
Types of Conjunctions
1. Coordinating Conjunction
Coordinating Conjunction can be used to connect or to join words, phrases and clauses equally structure. The common Coordinating conjunctions in English grammar are:
FANBOYS; for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
for, so, and used to connect the same idea.
or, yet, but, nor used to connect contrast idea.
Sentence examples of coordinating conjunction
1. I want to have cake and coffee for my breakfast.
(For, indicates purpose).
2. My students get bored, so they play game.
(So, connects two independent clause).
3. Mr. Dandy always works hard and goes home late.
(And, connects the same ideas; works hard and goes home).
4. We can take taxi to the post office or ride motorcycle.
(Or, connects contrast idea)
5. He is good at English, yet he never teaches others.
(Yet is the same as or)
6. Some students do not eat breakfast, nor do eat lunch.
(Nor, connects two ideas which meant not + not).
2. Correlative Conjunctions
Neither ....... nor
Either ....... or
Both ..... and
Not only ...... but also
Whether ....... or
Such .... that
As many ........ as
No sooner ..... than
Rather ... than
3. Subordinating Conjunction
Subordinating conjunction is word or phrase that is used to join dependent clause and independent clause.
What is dependent clause? Dependent clause is also known as subordinate clause. It is a clause which; Firstly, it does not express a thought completely and it cannot stand alone as its own sentence. Secondly, it must depend upon independent clause.
What is independent clause? Independent clause is a clause which can stand alone. It is a complete sentence which has a subject and a verb.
Now look at the table below to see some examples of Subordinating Conjunctions:
Subordinating Conjunction |
Functions, usage (Fungsi), penggunaan |
Examples |
as | the same as because (Sama dengan because yang memiliki arti karena) tapi juga bisa diartikan saat/while |
- I don't go to school as i get stomachache. (saya tidak sekolah karena sakit perut). - I saw him as i was coming into the building. (Saya melihat dia saat saya masuk ke gedung). |
as if | Memiliki arti seolah-olah. | She moves her lips as if to smile. (Dia menggerakan bibirnya seolah-olah senyum). |
as long as | expressing condition. (Mngungkapkan sebuah keadaan atau kondisi dari sebuah aksi). Lebih tepatnya bisa diartikan sebagai jika. |
You can come along with me as long as you ride your own motorbike. (Kamu bisa ikut saya jika kamu mengendarai motormu sendiri). |
as much as | berfungsi untuk menyatakan ungkapan yang sifatnya kiasan. | You may eat as much as you want. (Kamu boleh makan sesukamu). |
as soon as | Memiliki arti secepat mungkin. Menunjukan sebuah aktifitas yang segera dilakukan. | As soon as i get home, i will give you a message. (Sesampainya di rumah, saya akan kirim pesan ke kamu segera). |
as though | Sama dengan as if; memiliki arti seolah-olah. | She moves her lips as though to smile. (Dia menggerakan bibirnya seolah-olah senyum) |
because | Showing cause and effect. menunjukan sebab akibat. |
I don't go to school because i am sick. (Saya tidak ke sekolah karena saya sakit). |
before | That the second event happened soon after the first one. (Menunjukan bahwa kegiatan atau kejadian terjadi segera setelah yang pertama) |
I have to wash my hand before i eat lunch. (Saya harus cuci tangan sebelum makan). |
even if | Showing condition or requirement. |
Even if my father is tired, he will continue working. (Meskipun ayah saya capek, dia akan melanjutkan bekerja). |
even though | The same as even though (Sama dengan although). |
Even though it was windy, i go out with no jacket. (Meskipun cuaca berangin, saya keluar tanpa jaket). |
if | Showing condition (menunjukan keadaan) artinya jika. |
I will go to school if it does not rain. (Saya akan sekolah jika tidak hujan). |
If only | express strong wish that things could be different. (Digunakan untuk menghubungkan kalimat yang mempunyai makna harapan). |
If only we knew what to do. (Berharap kami tahu apa yang dilakukan). |
Inasmuch as | Showing cause and effect. (Sebab akibat) sama seperti because |
Inasmuch as funding is not available, building plans have been delayed. (Karena pembiayaanya tidak tersedia, pembangunannya tertunda). |
in order to | Showing purpose (Menunjukan maksud) |
I will do my best in order to achieve my dream. (saaya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk meraih mimpi saya). |
Now that | to give explanation of new situation. | Now that i am adult, i can consume drink whatever i want. (Sekarang saya sudah dewasa, saya bisa mengkonsumsi minum dan makan apa saja yang saya inginkan) |
Once | As soon as/after (Memiliki makna setelah atau secepatnya) |
Once i have picked my mom, i will call you. (Setelah saya jemput ibu, saya akan telpon kamu). |
Provided that | Showing condition. memiliki arti seperti if (jika) only if (hanya jika). |
Provided that there are enough seats, anyone can come on trip. (Kalau tempat duduknya cukup, setiap orang bisa ikut jalan-jalan). |
Providing (that) | used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for something else to happen. |
We will buy everything you produce, providing of course the price is right. (Kita akan membeli apa saja yang kamu produksi, asalkan harganya cocok). |
Since | The same as because. Sama dengan because (karena). |
I cannot come to your wedding party since i have to look after my mom. (Saya tidak bisa datang ke pesta pernikahanmu karena saya harus menjaga ibu saya). |
Whereas | Compared with the fact (but) (menunjukan sesuatu yang kontras bertolak belakang) |
Joko is very rich person, whereas Lusi is poor. (Joko sangat kaya, tapi Lusii miskin) |
So that | showing reasons and explanation. (alasan dan penjelasan) |
They go on diet so that they can play more badminton. (Mereka lagi diet maka dari itu dia bisa main bulutangkis lagi) |
whereas | Compared with the fact (but) (menunjukan sesuatu yang kontras bertolak belakang) |
Joko is very rich person, whereas Lusi is poor. (Joko sangat kaya, tapi Lusii miskin) |
Whether | Express doubt or choice between two possibilities. (Mengungkapkan keraguan atau pilihan di antara dua kemungkinan) |
He seemed undecided whether to go or stay. (Dia tampak belum memutuskan apakah pergi atau tinggal menetap). |
Where | To signify the location or the relationship between two places. |
They live at home where their grandparents live too. (Mereka tinggal di rumah di mana kakek dan neneknya juga tinggal). |
Wherever | To signify the location or the relationship between two places. | I follow my father wherever he goes. (Saya mengikuti ayah saya kemanapun dia pergi). |
After | Indicating time or relationships between events. | My mother always closes the door after she gets home. (Ibu saya selalu menutup pintu setelah dia tiba di rumah). |
When | Indicating time or relationships between events. | We would like to go camping when the weather is good. (Kita akan pergi kemah ketika cuaca nya bagus). |
Even though, although, though | Tono's in a good shape physically eventhough he doesn't get much exercise. (Tono badannya bagus meskipun dia tidak banyak olahraga). |
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