
Assalammu'alaikum warohmatullohi wabarokaatuh.

Hi, welcome to my site.

I am Purwanto, I have been teaching English since 2013 for students from various levels, such as elementary students, junior high school students, senior high school students, university students as well as some professionals like doctors, lawyer, manager, employees, polices. I teach communicatively, interactively, innovatively in order to engage learners to speak confidently.

Moreover, englishwithpurwanto.com is a blog website administered by me. This site shares materials, theories and experiences of writers in English language teaching and learning. The materials and theories are developed according to some references, like books, and other websites which have the same niche. Moreover, the experiences are figured out based on my own teaching experience as an English teacher. The posts of this website are written both in English and Indonesian Language. I wish this site could give you many advantages especially to improve your English skills easily.

Copy of Blue and White Clean and Professional Resume by PURWANTO MIHARJO